People want a truth so badly
Every person is in search of his or her own truth.
Some say God, others Allah…
Some say left, some say right…
Some people believe in reincarnation, others don’t believe in anything…
Some people believe in vaccination, others don’t…
One person thinks is decent what another thinks is outrageous.
There are so many truths, and they all color the world like light through a stained glass window.
History has shown that it becomes dangerous when one truth prevails.
The horrors of the Catholic Church, the Nazis and colonisation are still very clear in our minds.
“Never again” we say.
And rightly so.
Only now, a strange situation has arisen…
One half of the people seem to care about the truth of the other half and vice versa.
The Right Blames the Left for Globalism and Totalitarianism….
The left accuses the right of racism, discrimination and anti-Semitism.
They call each other fascists nowadays…
People who believe the official narrative point to people who don’t get vaccinated that they are contagious.
People who don’t believe the official narrative point out to people who do get vaccinated that they are contagious.
They call each other dangerous…
Can you see the humour in that?
We make it so terribly hard on ourselves and each other…
And I say very lovingly:
Does it show wisdom when someone identifies with something as superficial as opinions and truths?
Or judging someone else on that?
What if we leave all those truths for what they are?
I myself try to apply this as much as possible.
I have friends on the left and on the right.
Spiritual and atheistic people around me
I have intimates who do and do not get vaccinated.
I deal with people of different faiths.
People with different opinions and truths.
All those truths color my life.
I learn so much from in-depth conversations with people who look at the world very differently than I do.
Opinions and truths can simply coexist.
As long as one doesn’t seize power it’s fine.
Because you’re not your opinion, neither is the other….
Not your thoughts and emotions…
Not your beliefs and ideas…
You are not your truth, neither is the other….
No one is…
Let’s stop identifying with a truth. So pointless…
And open to all truths.
And if we can see the soul of our fellow man.
And be able to have a heart-to-heart connection.
Then it matters much less what anyone else thinks.
Then you can learn from each other.
And enjoy it together.
Of the infinite color palette of existence.
Have a nice day!