3d or 5d, it's a choice

3D or 5D, it’s a choice

3D, or 5D

It’s a choice…

Both dimensions of consciousness exist side by side.

However, they are moving further and further apart.

And the difference between fear and love is growing. And increasing, until they come together over X period of time.

Wherever you look: in Kabbalistic prophecies thousands of years old, in Hindu prophecies, in predictions of North and South American Indians. They all say the same thing…

There are over 20 (thousands of years old) prophecies known to predict the emergence of the New Earth at this time.

Part of humanity remains in the old earth consciousness and moves even further in the direction of fear, oppression and control. These people are “plugged in” to the 3D Matrix around the earth.

This is a reality that is moving towards the destruction of the earth and the total oppression of humanity.

Another part chooses the New Earth and the direction of love, freedom and self-determination. These people are “plugged in” to the Christ Consciousness Matrix (5D) that is installed a little further around the earth.

This is a reality where people live from the heart in smaller, regional and self-sufficient communities.

Thanks to free will, every human being can choose at any time which dimension he or she wants to live in.

5D is not better than 3D. Not higher, or lower. But a different frequency.

Eventually these two worlds will come together in the New Consciousness. Whether you choose the path of fear, or the path of love. At the end of the road, all of humanity goes to the New Earth. Just a matter of time.

It is up to us lightworkers to help as many people as possible become aware of the fact that they have a choice. For most people, this is completely unknown.

Want to know more? Read 2044 The mystery of the fifth dimension

Note: all 13 dimensions of consciousness of this “dimensional octave” are always present in every human being.

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NAZCA lines

The NAZCA lines

When I was about 19 years old, I flew with two friends in a four-seater Cessna airplane over the NAZCA lines in southern Peru. The device had had its best days and was rattling a bit. I remember the positive excitement it brought. But the view was worth it… We looked down richly to behold the ancient lines and geoglyphs. There were animal shapes like a spider, a monkey and a llama. But also geometric shapes, spirals, flowers and… A figure that looks a lot like a Martian (photo). Well, doll. Some drawings are 200 to 400 meters in size and 30 centimeters deep. The Nazca lines were rediscovered in 1920 by an airplane flying overhead. The whole area is 800 km2. The lines were made somewhere between 200 and 900 AD scientists think. However, the area has been inhabited for over 10,000 years, so older is also possible. But how did the Nazca Indians back then create these huge shapes without planes and satellites? And especially why? There are several theories going around about the manufacture. One is that the Indians would have had air balloons. Another is that they drew the lines using scale models. And why? Was it for spiritual reasons? Or was it an ingenious water system to irrigate the gardens of the Nazca? Were they portals? Or landing pads for spaceships? Nobody knows for sure. You understand that my favorite theory is that the lines á la crop circles are made by, or in cooperation with, extraterrestrials. In any case, the Martian is going along with this theory nicely. I watched him with my own eyes and remember the wonder I had at the time. And still… Is that true? I don’t know. Judge for yourself. At

Gaia.com I just came across this series.

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why conspiracy theories need not inspire fear

Why conspiracy theories don’t have to lead to fear

Yesterday I had a lovely conversation with a friend.

His view is that conspiracy theories lead to fear and therefore should not be shared by awakened people.

I don’t agree…

Of course the main focus of every lightworker is on the creation of the New Earth.

We focus on what we do want, the transition of the consciousness of humanity from the third dimension of fear, to the fifth dimension of love.

(Of course, we don’t actually travel. Everything is already there. We are multidimensional expressions of Source that are omnipresent. From 3D to 5D is just a concept to indicate a development).

In addition, however, we have a responsibility to interpret the suffering we observe on earth.

What you focus on grows.

But what you focus your high consciousness on transmutes.

That is, it is transformed into a higher frequency such as love.

And that is an important part of our spiritual mission on earth.

Embracing the unlit and transforming it into love, light and compassion.

Both in ourselves, and in the world.

The Earth and humanity are transitioning from the third dimension of fear, to the fifth dimension, the first true love dimension. From there we proceed to the thirteenth dimension. That could take thousands of years, but it could also happen very quickly I this magical time.

Unlit keeps us in 3D.

It’s that simple.

Therefore, it may be transformed into light.

And we can only do that together.

that’s why it’s so important that we tell people where to focus their awareness.

See, if you direct anger, fear, or powerlessness at a dark field then you are only making it stronger.

But love and light changes it.

And let’s face it…

If I tell you that the buildings in America could never have been so totally destroyed by two planes and that a third building that no plane flew into also collapsed. And that that event did come out very nicely for the invasion of Iraq and to obscure some ongoing issues….

Does that incite fear?

Or to interest and wonder?

When I tell you that 50 acres of jungle disappear every minute. causing the extinction of countless species and the displacement of native Indian peoples. That those Indians and other activists are murdered when they stand up (thousands murdered by now) and that the corruption behind this has penetrated deep into Dutch politics, partly because of the interests of the tube industry.

Does that incite fear?

Or to the desire to get to the bottom of this and resolve it?

If I tell you then Presidents Eisenhower and Kennedy both warned en public about the power of the US Military Industrial Complex and that this power was probably behind Kennedy’s assassination,

Does that incite fear?

Or to interest and understanding?

When I tell you that hundreds of thousands of children worldwide disappear every year into the hands of satanic pedophile organizations who use their adrenalized blood to become stronger and more youthful themselves,

does that incite fear? Or compassion for those children and the desire to do something about it?

When I tell you that the elite behind the World Economic Forum are trying to seize power in the world and are abusing the Corona crisis to do so. That the same 1% of elites have been shamelessly enriching themselves (at the expense of the poor) for hundreds of years and have, especially in recent decades, attracted 90% of all the world’s wealth…

Does that incite fear?

Or to outrage, compassion for the poor and a desire to do what you can to stop this?

And if I tell you that the entire stock market is dominated by two parties, Blackrock and Vanguard, who have shares in all media companies, pharmaceutical companies, the food industry, banks, the automotive industry, the arms trade and the oil industry.

Does that incite fear?

Or interested in knowing more about this and doing something about it?

And I could go on like this for a while. By the way, I am not asserting that the above theories are truth. As always: don’t believe anything I write, research it yourself.

Conspiracy theories do not call for fear, but for a healthy distrust.

And especially a deep desire to do what you can to resolve the situations behind it.

What can arise are feelings of powerlessness. Who am I to do anything about it? What can I do?

Until you realize you’re not alone. And that love and light have an enormous power when you focus them on a plot with a very large group of people.

There are so many foundations, movements and groups you can join. Together we are strong.

Of course, there are conspiracies that are beyond my comprehension as well. I don’t know enough about, for example, the flat earth theory to think anything of it. I also can’t quite interpret the reports of a staged invasion by alien forces yet. Will there be a mock attack with man-made spaceships and holograms? Or will friendly peoples come and we are already conditioned to see them as enemies?

But that doesn’t make me shoot them, or get scared of them. Every joke is a signal and where there’s smoke there’s fire.

It sparks interest in me to explore what I think about it.

When I awoke thirteen years ago, one of the first things I learned was that there is a secret government manipulating humanity behind the scenes. That there are forces that purposely want to keep humanity in the third dimension is well known in spiritual circles. Ever since mankind.

That the spiritual world and right-wing political parties, separately, see the same plots is not surprising.

What is right in the Netherlands is simply left by American standards.

Leftists in the Netherlands believe in the official conspiracy theories.

That 9/11 was a terrorist attack, for example.

Or that the WEF genuinely wants to improve the world.

The left serves the interests of the 1% elite without even realizing it.

So the counterparts, “right” believe the opposite.

It’s no harder than that.

The fact that right-wing politics now turns out to be right in this matter according to age-old spiritual insights, does not make spiritual people ‘right-wing’.

The fact that awakened people have been tempted to vote right, for lack of alternative, does not make spiritual people right wing.

Spirituality is separate from politics and the left and right are the wings of the same bird.

The fact that the right sees what the spiritual world has known for a long time does not make us right wing.

For example, spiritual people have nothing at all to do with fascism, anti-Semitism, and populism. The opposite is true.

As a collective, humanity is moving from the third dimension of fear, power and oppression, to the fifth dimension of love and wisdom.

We are now “traveling” through the fourth dimension. In this dimension we begin to see through the repressive mechanisms of the third dimension, but we are not yet in the heart consciousness of the fifth dimension.

That still needs time.

Once we are collectively in the fifth dimension there will be no more conspiracy theories. These are a fourth dimensional phenomenon, and the illumination they refer to dissolves in the fifth dimension.

Until then, we continue to send our love to the trapped children. To the people who work for disclosure, to people in refugee camps, to oppressed peoples like the Tibetans and the Indians. And especially to all the “perpetrators” in the world.

Conspiracy theories mean that there is something to investigate.

Not that there’s anything to be afraid of.

It takes an open heart and a loving trust to face plots with interest.

It is so essential not to dismiss anything as nonsense and not to block anything.

Humanity can’t help but discover and see through conspiracies in the years to come, that’s part of the universal movement we’re in now.

Marvel at this magical journey and all that is now coming to light.

In the fifth dimension of consciousness, ALL will come to light.

I wish you a happy time with much wonder and compassion.

X Robert

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people want to be conned

People want to be fooled

A long time ago I did a short marketing course NIMA-A at the college in Zwolle.
I remember him well. Late thirties, charming, well dressed smart casual, sharply coiffed. Rolf was his name if I’m not mistaken.

The marketing teacher

He was the epitome of a worldly, trend-setting man. Arrogant to the core. He had to laugh out loud when several (adult) students had no idea who or what Oger was (the luxury bespoke suit store on the PC Hoofdstraat). If you didn’t know what Oger was, that said more than enough about you, he thought. He’d smile a little smugly and stop looking at you. He taught us about marketing. That the origin of that concept was a long time ago in Market-Getting. Going to the market to advertise your products. Then he looked mysteriously…
He was about to share his greatest insight, saying, “People want to be fooled, that’s the secret to marketing.”
I remember hearing him say that and a lot of quarters dropped.
So that’s what marketers thought. That people want to be fooled.
I objected, explaining that I saw it differently. He waved it away and didn’t look at me again.
I clearly didn’t understand how ‘it’ worked. I was an untermensch in his eyes.
And since then it strikes me that many marketers do indeed seem to think that people want to be fooled.
🤔In the food industry, you pay more and more while the content is less and less. Remember how full a bag of paprika chips used to be?
🤔Healthy ingredients in products were replaced with cheap substitutes. While the prices are only getting higher.
🤔The pharmaceutical industry make people fearful in order to sell unnecessary vaccines.
🤔Insurers use the same fear to hawk unnecessary insurance.
🤔Social media giants know exactly how to keep their customers addicted to their platform.
Constant advertisements present us with a picture of the perfect person living the perfect life and the products that go with that can be bought from them…
Not to mention the ever-shortening life cycle of products and the enormous environmental impact of all that waste…
I don’t really understand traditional marketers….
They sell and sell and don’t realize what their footprint is.
👉All those things that become trash way too fast
👉All those unhealthy products making people sick
👉All these illusions that make people pay too much
👉All that plastic packaging
👉All those polluting production methods
Why on earth would you want to be a part of it? It’s really just a scam, isn’t it?

The Buddha taught us the 8 Steps to Enlightenment

‘The right livelihood’ is an important step in that. Scamming people is not exactly the right livelihood now it seems to me….
Of course, there is also a role for consumers who allow themselves to be swindled. And who seems to want everything for a bargain. But realize that those same marketers have conditioned those people into that behavior. And doing it every day.
Marketing has become a science. The science of manipulating and influencing people to do what you want. When I traveled in India 10 years ago, deodorant was not used by locals in certain parts. Unilever hung large posters along the road with a barbaric looking Indian who clearly had sweat patches under his arms. Next to them were a couple of Western-dressed Indians, holding their noses and pointing to a can of deodorant…
This is also how we were once conditioned to use the actually totally unnecessary deodorant. Which is even harmful to your health… (I use it myself, it’s just an example ;)) I don’t know anyone who wants to be conditioned to eat unhealthy things. Yet we are conditioned with learned addictions like chips, cigarettes, snacks, coffee, pizza, chips, alcohol, candy, soda, and cosmetics that are not good for us…. We’re wearing clothes made under questionable conditions…
We drive cars that pollute…
We throw away bags of plastic every week…
Well… people want to be fooled, right?
Have you ever heard of neuromarketing?
People are put under a brain scanner and it is examined what effect watching a commercial has on the shopping centres in the brain.
Modern marketers know exactly how to program their customers to buy their product.
People want to be fooled…
And if you don’t want to, don’t watch commercials.
You’ll be framed either way.
And you don’t want that.
Nobody wants that.
Dear marketers,
people don’t want to be fooled. People want value for money. Good products at a fair price.
The consumer society is hopefully coming to an end as more and more people become aware.
More and more honest and conscious brands are emerging that sell good and sustainable products at good prices.
As far as I’m concerned, that should become the starting point in marketing again.
There is nothing wrong with marketing in itself.
I use it too, otherwise few people would come to my trainings, events and retreats.
But do it honestly and sincerely.
Marketing can be done from love and wisdom.
People don’t want to be fooled.
People want solid and durable.
Marketers reading this,
I call upon you:
Get up!
✊Bring marketing back to what it once was. Just take your products to market and tout them.
Without manipulation tricks.
✊Refuse to serve the devil any longer. Don’t let yourself be enslaved by targets aimed at making as much profit as possible for your shareholders.
✊Refuse to sell any more unhealthy or unnecessary shit!
✊Refuse to condition people to buy what they don’t need at all!
✊Refuse to sell products that are not sustainable, or have plastic packaging!
The power is yours!
For the world of
future generations.

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from caterpillar to butterfly

From caterpillar to butterfly

The awakening process is similar to the transformation of a caterpillar becoming a butterfly.
The caterpillar has no idea that there is such a thing as a butterfly.
He literally eats his way through life.
Then one day he feels the need to create a cocoon for himself.
He’s getting out of his life.
And when he comes back, he’s a beautiful butterfly.
So is the awakening man. I remember very well what my life was like as a “caterpillar”. How I ate my way through life.
Do you recognize that?
I also remember the cocoon period. The first four years of the awakening process.
Flying out as a butterfly was a magical moment. I remember that too.
Life as a butterfly is very different from life as a caterpillar.
As a caterpillar I took, as a butterfly my life is about giving.
The butterfly stands for love, for freedom and for consciousness.
Not that a butterfly life is always easy and fun. It’s just hard work.
But in a very different way than the work of a caterpillar.
The butterfly is no better than the caterpillar. No less.
They’re the same.
Only in a different consciousness.
I see around me more and more caterpillars becoming butterflies. What magic there is in this time of awakening.
I see the struggles in the cocoon period those first four years.
And time after time I behold the freedom and magic of flying out.
In not too long (no one knows exactly when), almost all caterpillars will be butterflies.
Imagine what a magical world we will then experience together….

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Change of era

Change of era

The earth wobbles…

She’s spinning on her axis with a 23% deviation…
In that turn, her axis completes what is known as a Platonic year.
That “year” covers some 25,920 years.
During that period the axis of the Heart rotates away from the Milky Way and towards it again.
When the axis is turned towards the Heart of the Milky Way, then the vibration on Earth is at its highest.
🕊Man has a very high consciousness during this period and lives in a period of light and love. The golden age, or the 13th dimension.


As the axis of the Heart of the Galaxy rotates, that consciousness gets lower and lower.
And the times are getting dark. The Kali era, or the 1st dimension.
About the year 500 A.D., we reached the absolute low of the current cycle and are on the rise again.
🛕Then you understand why the Egyptians, the Sumerians and other ancient peoples had a higher consciousness than we have now. They came from a higher vibration that was going down.
🏛Atlantis was actually in the Golden Age 12,000 years ago. The Atlanteans had a level of consciousness that few people can match on Earth today.
More than 23 ancient prophecies over the past dozen millennia predicted that we would return to an upward trajectory during this time.
They also predicted that this would be accompanied by chaos, strife, riots and unrest.
The transition to the new era is not necessarily a smooth one.
We are currently as a collective shifting from the 3rd dimension to the 4th dimension in terms of consciousness. A huge change of era.
In the 4th dimension, everything in the 3rd dimension becomes visible. So do the abuses. Hence all the conspiracy theories these days.

We are moving towards the 5th dimension.

Then we slowly get back to the Egyptians.


We can also reconnect with our Galactic brothers and sisters.
Other civilizations in our galaxy had a hard time reaching us in those low first 3 dimensions. We’re getting close to their vibration now.
So you don’t really have to worry about the Great Reset, the World Economic Forum, Vaccinations, Climate issues, Elite oppression, the Cabal, nature destruction, or other 3rd and 4th dimensional phenomena.
They disappear on their own into the fifth dimension.
🙏That doesn’t mean you don’t have to do anything! (I don’t either, quite the opposite). Focusing loving attention on these problems will help you solve them sooner.🙏


Because an increasing part of humanity is already in the 5th, 6th, 7th, 8th, 9th dimensions and beyond in terms of consciousness.
While the masses still travel in 3D and 4D, the awakened can do their work.
And thus accelerate the shift a bit.
And reduce the (unnecessary) suffering of so many.
🌍So lightworkers, do your lightwork! Focus your desires on the New Earth and shine your light on the Old Earth.🌎


For the good of all that lives.


And enjoy this wonderful and mega exciting transition period!
With a lot of love,
Robert Bridgeman

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The road to the New Earth is an inner road. Another name for New Earth is the Fifth Dimension. It starts from the inside…

Within ourselves we dissolve ignorance and suffering. The more people free themselves from within, the faster humanity can be freed. What you focus light and love on from a high level of consciousness, transmutes (is converted into a higher frequency) and disappears. This is how it works inside yourself, but also in the illusion matrix around you that we call the world. We therefore shine our light on the events of the illusion.

We see the wars, we see what is happening in China, we see the oppression, the child porn networks, the child oppression of indigenous peoples, the horrors of bio-industry. The growing nets that are stretched around humanity.

More and more people are waking up in the fourth dimension. And go see what’s going on.

As John Lennon said, “The more real you get, the more unreal the world gets.”

The energy in the world is intense at the moment, because humanity as a collective is going deeper and deeper into the fourth dimension. Everything becomes visible. It is important to give problems attention from love, so that problem areas transmute into love. Never give attention out of struggle, or fear, that only feeds. More and more people understand that.

And look:

🙏One child pornography network after another is broken up.
🙏The attitude towards oppressed peoples is changing.
🙏People are becoming more aware about the effects of meat consumption.
🙏More and more people are starting to see through the illusion.

Just to name a few things.

So much goes right on earth!

Seeing through the illusion is the foundation of spiritual development.

🧘♂️Buddha saw through the 7 veils of ignorance held around humanity by Mara, the king of illusion and freed himself.
🧘♂️Jesus saw through the devil when he said, “the god of this earth is Satan.”
🧘♂️The Cathars saw through the deception of the Catholic Church.
🧘♂️The Gnostics saw through the Yaldaboath that controlled this world.
🧘♂️We see through the Reptillian elite who oppress humanity in the present.

Whatever the darkness is called; Mara, Satan, Yaldaboath or Reptillians, it can only exist with our approval. We create him in ourselves and our liberation can ultimately only take place in ourselves.

We’re not there yet. That is why we are launching a new project soon. A contribution to the New Earth.

I’ll keep you posted!

Happy Liberation Day!

I so hope that the children are freed too…


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the new earth

The New Earth

More and more people are awakening to a new consciousness.
The old is seen through and falls away.
For those just waking up, it is often still difficult to see where the big movement is going.
The people who have been working on shaping the New Earth for ten, twenty, thirty years or more are showing the way.
They are increasingly letting go of the 3D reality of the old earth.
They see and name from love what is happening in the 3D timeline, but they do not fight it anymore.
They focus on the New Earth and shape it together.
Not only on Facebook and in the books and blogs they write, but also by how they live and work.
Their daily work no longer contributes to the 3D timeline, but rather to the 5D world.
They’re getting out of the system bit by bit.
They care for Mother Earth, for animals and for nature. They are there for the sick, the weak and the oppressed.
They are increasingly living self-sufficiently and in 5D communities. In the cities and in the countryside, they form ever-expanding networks.
They have compassion for the forces that try to keep humans in 3D.
They know those powers won’t make it anyway.
The transition to the new consciousness is a collective and cosmic movement that humanity as a whole is making.
Nobody gets away with that.
It is not too late to create a loving and green world where people live in harmony with each other, with nature and with the Earth.
No top down- big reset orchestrated by government leaders, billionaires and elite thinkers.
But a movement from below.
A movement of all people.
Are you with me?
Lets go 5D!


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Dust masks

I make no secret of the fact that I have nothing against wearing non-medical mouth and nose caps.
It is my right of free speech to look at this measure from a different angle. In this post, I share with you what I see happening in our society. I write from love and as always, “don’t believe me, investigate for yourself.
For the record:
I am in no way denying corona with this post, I keep my own distance in public places and I take the situation in healthcare very seriously and this post is not putting anyone at risk. On the contrary. I just want to talk to you about one measure. Namely, the wearing of non-medical mouth masks. The effect of non-medical mouth masks as a measure against corona has not been scientifically proven. Nobody knows if it works. There are speculations that the carry requirement is inhibiting, but that’s about it.
(An article in PNAS was heavily criticized by scientists).

Mouth guard rule under discussion

It strikes me that when people question things like the mouth guard measure, concerned healthcare workers immediately pop up. Understandable, the care is overloaded. Because of the cutbacks of the Rutte government in recent years, our health care system cannot withstand a long-term overload. I want to stress that I care. This is separate from measures such as curfews and mouth guards.
Because if measures don’t work they don’t help care in any way. Kuipers already indicated that the curfew didn’t work. It has had no effect on hospital admissions he indicated. They will now do anything in the media to nuance his claims, they will have experts give counterstatements, start throwing figures around etc., but the man has said what he said: “The curfew had no effect on hospital admissions. It was an uncontrolled experiment.” There is a very good chance that the same will be true of the mouth guard requirement.
Mouthguards are seen in critical circles as part of a global behavioral experiment.
It is about people learning to listen to the governments of the various countries involved.

Sound like a conspiracy?

Then dive into the plans of the World Economic Forum (WEF) to the year 2030.
The current government of the Netherlands is an enthusiastic disciple in this.
From America to China and from Germany to Australia, people are enthusiastically participating in this plan. With cries like:
“Building back better.”
“You will own nothing and be happy”
We are heading towards a China-like society if the WEF has its way. Members of the WEF network openly see the corona outbreak as an excellent opportunity to bring about a major economic reset. And abuse the corona situation to push their agenda.
People have to stay indoors, stay away from each other and are given a digital passport that separates good citizens from bad ones. Nothing conspiratorial about it. Read the book ‘Covid and the great reset’ by WEF foreman Klaus Schwab and you will know enough.
The mouth guard requirement is an important tool in this agenda. Just like keeping the catering industry and shops closed for as long as possible and the vaccination passport. And it can be done differently. A friend of mine is in Sweden right now. Hardly anyone there has a mouth mask on. The restaurants and shops have remained open as usual.
The curve is very similar to here in the Netherlands.
People just keep their distance and wait for covid-19 to wear off. Of course there is India, but that country cannot be compared to the Netherlands. I have been there many times and the numbers of people on the streets and in public places, as well as the quality of care is beyond compare. Nor are we at all sure that this is an outbreak of the coronavirus. But that’s a conspiracy theory 😉
The figures we get about India come mainly from John Hopkins University. This party was involved in Event 201 and is considered extremely unreliable in critical circles.

Non-medical masks

Back to the Netherlands. Jaap van Dissel himself said earlier that 200,000 people would have to wear mouth caps for a week to prevent one contamination. In the meantime this has changed somewhat, but on the website of the RIVM you can read today: “Non-medical mouth masks
It is likely that non-medical mouthguards are of limited help in preventing others from becoming infected. Mouth masks are therefore no substitute for the hygiene measures, keeping your distance, avoiding crowds and staying at home in case of complaints. It was previously calculated that a disproportionate number of people in public spaces would need to wear a mouth mask to prevent one infection. In the meantime, however, the number of infectious people in the Netherlands has increased to such an extent that this ratio has become smaller. In the short term, it will also not be possible to say with certainty whether or not non-medical mouthguards have added value.”
In short, everyone walks around with a cap on that no one knows what it does….
What we do know is that there are nanoparticles in many mouthguards. For example, copper, or silver. Nobody knows whether these particles are harmful.
This is not a conspiracy theory, by the way.
Read about it on the RIVM website:
You can wear a mouth mask as far as I am concerned, but I would also like to make a stand for those who do not want to wear a mouth mask and are not participating in the experiment. Non-carriers don’t do anything negative towards healthcare. On the contrary. To all the people who attack and try to demonize the non-mouth cap wearers on social media and in the supermarket, I say leave us alone. We have a different take on the mouthguard and until there is conclusive scientific evidence, our truth is as valid as the truth of proponents.
I wish all the heroes in care lots of love and strength!!!
And if you want to stand up for your colleagues and yourself as a care worker, focus your attention on the real instigators of your overload. Of course I am open to other sounds!
And may you point out errors in my reasoning. Provided it is substantive, respectful and constructive. Negative comments I delete immediately. I don’t feel like it at all.
Warm greetings,
Robert Bridgeman

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Spiritual warriors post 3

Spiritual Warriors

Yesterday I posted a fictional and humorous story about a lightworker who stood at heaven’s gate and was judged for not doing enough for people and animals in need. It was a funny story, but every joke is a cue.

This morning I posted the following message, “While evil runs its course, good sits at home meditating.” I had my reasons for that too. Tonight the denouement of this campaign.

The idea?

Bringing spirituality back to the way it once was….

Recently I had a nice conversation with a journalist. He noticed that spiritual people are getting more and more involved in social issues these days. He thought that was remarkable. Wasn’t spirituality all about self-development and breaking away from society? I think that’s the world upside down…

More spiritually awakened people

There are more spiritually awakened people than ever (logical, given the transition to Aquarius). But they do less for society than ever before. Let me explain what I mean. Really, I know that many of you do advocate for the poor, weak and sick. I know that many are standing up for the light in many ways. But we can do so much more together.

Take a look at spiritual people in Asia. We can learn so much from them… I lived in Asia for almost two years and during that time I looked with admiration at the social commitment of Buddhist monks, Indian yogis and Thai healers.👳♂️ What a commitment…. What a commitment… What compassion…

🧘♂️In the photo, for example, you see Vietnamese Buddhist monk Thích Quảng Đức burning himself to death on June 11, 1963, in protest against the persecution of Buddhists by the then Catholic Vietnamese government.

🧘♂️The Indian people who peacefully freed themselves from the British. Led by their spiritual leader Gandhi.

🧘♂️The Tibetan Buddhists have been fighting side by side with their people against the Chinese since 1950.

🧘♂️As we speak, Buddhist monks and nuns in Myamar are fighting alongside the population against the regime.

And by fighting, I don’t mean standing around waving a sword. 🤺

They fight by helping others. By standing up for the weak. By sacrificing their own lives and bodies for those in need. For what is right. For the light Of course, their own development comes first. Most of them have the black belt meditation.

🙏Tibetan Rinpoche’s I met meditated in a cave for 3 years, 3 months, 3 weeks and 3 days.

🙏Other monks and nuns I visited locked themselves away for meditation 3 months a year. It’s a regular thing.

But when it comes down to it, they stand their ground. It used to be the same here in Europe. Magicians, monks, nuns, sorcerers, preachers, witches, healers, seers and oracles were important parts of societies throughout the ages.

🔥Partly because of the burning of witches from the 14th to the 18th century, we have become more cautious here in Europe.🔥

Stand up as a lightworker

This burning of witches was a strategic move by the church and the nobility at the time. The women were the precursors of a huge popular rebellion against the Catholic Church and the nobility at that time. By denigrating rebellious women as “witches” (now an honorary title) and punishing them with water tests and burnings, the power of the spiritual female rebellion was broken by the nobility and the church. We still notice this today. Spiritual Westerners are generally self-focused and don’t dare to do much. And that is quite understandable given the past, but also a bit of a shame. Because especially spiritual people could do so much by standing up from love and light for what is good. Now I hear you thinking. “Yes nice all, but those Buddhists had actual people in need to fight for in Vietnam, Tibet and Myamar.” Then I say in turn, we have many more people in need to stand up for. And not just people, but animals… There are so many people and animals on earth who suffer.

👉 More than 2 billion people and children living in poverty (also in the Netherlands)

👉Hundreds of thousands of people and children in refugee camps.

👉27 million slaves on earth right now

👉Millions of children trapped in sex networks

👉Indian people suppressed

👉 The Tibetans and Palestinians who are oppressed

👉6 billion animals eaten per year

👉 Countless species going extinct

👉 Not to mention the oppression of humanity by the 1% elite and their dark masters.

I could go on like this for a while. These are all people and animals for whom we can make a commitment. And there’s so much we can do. It really doesn’t have to be grand and enormous. Every little bit helps…

A few suggestions (for inspiration):

🕊 Give spiritual teachings, healings, etc. to people who need it for little or nothing

🕊 come together with a group of fellow lightworkers one evening a week to send light and love to crisis areas

🕊Write posts, blogs, articles, books, etc. About abuses you see

🕊make videos, movies, documentaries, etc. About abuses you see

🕊 Help an elderly neighbor with errands and chores

🕊 Do voluntary work at the food bank

🕊 buy a cart of groceries for a poor family

🕊Go spend a week helping out in the refugee camps on Lesbos with Because We Carry (or donate to them)

🕊 Go to a poor area and help 1 family to a better life

🕊post on social media about the oppression of the Indians, Uyghurs and Tibetans, for example

🕊 Stand there when Women for Freedom organizes another meeting

Raise money in your network for a foundation that you are sure is doing good work

There’s so much you can do. I’m sure you guys can make many more suggestions in the comments.

You know,

My message is actually simple.

True spirituality is caring for the weak. Assisting the sick and standing up for what is right. It always has been and it always will be. Bob Marley once said when asked why he worked so hard, “The people who are trying to make the world worse don’t even take a day off, how can I?”

🌎If we all stay home and do nothing and we let the oppressors, rapists, human traffickers, animal torturers and other servants of the dark have their way, the world will remain as it is now…🌍

There’s nothing wrong with darkness, but everyone agrees that darkness and light are a bit out of balance. It is partly up to us to restore this balance. Let us be careful that spirituality does not become a sport of self-gratification, where it is only about one’s own development, transformation and ascension.

😇 Of course self development is mega important.

😇Naturally, it is essential to transform your inner darkness.

😇Naturally, you continue to raise your vibration.

Raising your vibration is a means

However, they are not ends, but means. Resources to serve others with. In Mahayana Buddhism, the Bodhisattva concept exists. This is someone who is already enlightened and actually liberated from the wheel of birth and rebirth (The Wheel of Samsara). Despite his, or her enlightenment, the Bodhisattva comes back to earth.

Why? Because the Bodhisattva is not finished until suffering is abolished for all beings. That’s compassion…

True compassion is seeing suffering in another and the inner burning desire to help resolve that suffering.

🙋♂️Self development is the foundation you need to be able to help others.

🤷♀️Not an excuse to create a wonderful comfort zone for yourself.

🙇♂️But a tool that you can use to serve others from compassion. As an instrument…

Sorry to bolt, but I see it happen too often.

I don’t want to offend anyone either. 🤓

These posts are really not for making you feel guilty. Or to trigger your spiritual ego.

These posts are a sincere call to get back to practicing spirituality the way it was meant to be practiced.

💫We are the instruments through which the light comes.

💫Our own practice has cleansed us as a channel.

💫Through us, light can shine into the lives of those who suffer, those who are poor, those who need help.

💫For people, children and animals in need.

Let’s get back to doing what we came here for.

🔥I’m really not calling on you to set yourself on fire as a protest against anything.

🤺Or that you have to go over your limits.

🤷♀️Or that you should give yourself away.

I don’t think so. Just take care of yourself. And take good care of others who need it. I invite you to look from love and compassion at what you can do for those others. To stand up for what is right. So that, in addition to your own development, you can also dedicate yourself to people and animals in need. Out of love and compassion. Then together we can move towards a world in harmony. To a New Earth. A Terra Nova.

We’re the ones we’ve been waiting for.

Be the change!

As the Indians say:

‘For the good of all.

To support all life

Yet, and for the next 7 generations.’

A cosmic hug from me!


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