Category: Blog

You feel it’s not right…

As a child, you learn that logic, facts and evidence are important in life.

What you feel is far less important than what you think.

You learn to suppress your feelings with your ratio.
Suppressing your heart with your head.

That makes you susceptible to illusions and lies.

The heart lives in reality.
The head lives in a dream.

And then when someone says there’s a virus and you have to follow all kinds of measures, you do.
Makes sense, doesn’t it?

Despite the fact that your heart tells you that nothing is right and you feel that there is more going on behind the scenes than you can understand…
You’re in anyway.

And if you speak out about your feelings, you’ll be called out for voting, for unfounded conspiracy theorists. Someone who bases his or her opinion on emotions rather than the hard facts.

But the facts are not so hard at all. The facts are from the head.

The head which is very limited in language…

Can the head give a description in language of the taste sweet?
No, the head can’t…

Can the chief give a description of the color blue?
No, the head can’t…

Can the head give a description for the feelings love, or happiness
No, the chief has no idea.

Taste, colour and feelings can only be experienced. Don’t describe it.

And if the head already has no idea of what tastes and colors really are, what does the head actually know about them?

In spiritual development you learn to go from head to heart.
You learn to experience reality instead of thinking it.
You learn that feelings are the language of the soul.

Of course, the head is a handy navigational tool.
But it can never take the place of feelings.

And you have to learn to feel.
It takes years of meditation, transforming your traumas and blockages and other practices before your feelings are crystal clear and you can trust your intuition.

But you can trust your feelings now.
And listen to your inner compass.

That’s where reality lies.

As John Lennon said:
“The more real you become, the more unreal the world becomes.”

The more you rely on your feelings, the more you will see through reality. And the less susceptible you are to the illusion of facts and logic.

Facts, logic and reason thus become tools that you use to substantiate your feelings. Instead of the other way around.

I wish you much intuition.

X Robert

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Spirituality does not mean being without ego

There was once a time when spiritual development was about escaping from illusion. The Buddhists wanted to escape from the wheel of samsara to Nirvana. The Cathars and Gnostics wanted to escape from the counterfeit creation to the Pleroma. The non-dualists of the Advaita Vedanta wanted to escape from dualism to unity. They wanted to get out of here. Out of the matrix prison that imprisoned the Buddha Nature, the Divine spark, or the I AM. Out of illusion, into Paradise. But we live in a very different time these days. The vibration on Earth is many times higher than it was a thousand years ago. Spirituality is no longer about fleeing from the third dimensional matrix of fear, into the fifth dimensional matrix of love and light. Spirituality at this time is about bringing the fifth dimension of light into the third dimension of fear….

We have to do it here. In the body. The ascension is no longer that of the individual… But those of all mankind and Mother Earth… We are all on our own journey in this ascent process. No one is enlightened. No one has been fully realized… Otherwise you wouldn’t be here.

The human ego is on a journey. Of identification with body and personality. To identification to Higher Self and Soul. And eventually, even identification with the Source… But ego remains ego. It is an illusion to think that ego can be transcended in this incarnation.
Or that it should… Ego is as it were a means of transportation with which the soul travels through this time/space dimension. It’s about reprogramming your ego. From fear to love… From separateness to unity… From taking to giving… Imagine if all people on Earth reconditioned their ego from fear to love…. From LEGO (lower ego) to HEGO (higher ego)

What would the world be like then?
Would there be any more suffering?
Would there still be child abuse?
Would there still be refugee camps?
Would there still be a war? Would there still be a bio-industry?
Would there still be deforestation and environmental pollution?
Would there still be oppression? Of course not.

People who live in a consciousness of wisdom, love and compassion cannot abuse or oppress others. That is bringing the 5th dimension into the 3rd dimension. That is what spirituality is all about these days. We’re not people trying to be spiritual. We are spiritual beings of light who are allowed to discover what it is like to be human.

Real man.
Loving person.
With a touch of darkness.
And a lick of compassion.
With a touch of ignorance.
And a pinch of lego.

People living together in harmony and love.

With himself.
With each other.
And with Earth.

That’s spirituality.

X Robert Bridgeman

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Manifesting from the heart

Manifesting is done in every moment. You create the reality you live in. How? Through the thoughts you think and the emotions you feel, but especially from your karma from other lives and your belief systems. That could serve you, sure. Maybe you have a really nice life. With everything you could possibly want. But… maybe something is gnawing deep inside? Or do you have the feeling that you never really get around to doing the things that you would really like to do?

Many people live a life that runs parallel to the life for which they feel deep inside that they came to Earth. It looks like it, but it’s not. When you realize that you yourself are manifesting your life, it makes perfect sense that it would go that way. You manifest your existence unconsciously from your conditioning. What does that mean? That old karma dictates your life, supplemented by the beliefs and ideas you downloaded from your parents and other educators.

As long as you do this unconsciously you will always end up at the same point in your life. Over and over the same people, similar events, over and over the same painful lessons.

However, there is a deeper part in you that can take you down a completely different path. The entrance to that part is your heart chakra. The heart is the gateway to your Soul. And your Soul is the bridge to Source. Imagine that, instead of being able to manifest from cause and effect and the conditioning of your parents, you could manifest from the connection with Source within yourself? Would that change anything in the life you lead? Yes, of course. Consciously listening to your deepest inner self is something completely different from unconsciously fumbling around based on your conditioning.

Even if you are someone who sets conscious goals every year and knows what you want. Still the question is, from where do you want this? From your depth? Or from the idea you have of how life should be. Do you follow my will, or thy will? In short: do you live from your ego, or from your core.

Learning to live consciously from your deepest Source is a lifelong process. It requires you to dissolve your conditioning piece by piece and work through your karma piece by piece. Until your core becomes visible. Compare it to an onion that you peel off, layer by layer. Besides that you can already connect with the Source in yourself through for example meditation, psychedelics, crystal codes or geometric activations. The more you connect yourself to your Source, the higher your vibration from within becomes.

The more old conditioning and karma you let go of, the more your true self emerges. You become more and more aware and get to know your Soul’s desires. And then you are consciously manifesting from your heart. Then you can start living the life you had planned for yourself before you were born. With all the prosperity, satisfaction and happiness that goes with it. It’s not that life is all roses and moonbeams then, I don’t want to create that illusion. Hard work, setbacks and pain are part of existence.

Are you triggered by this story? Soon we will start a 4-part online course Manifesting from the Heart. To help you discover the deeper desires and wishes within yourself for the new year 2021. To set goals, not from your head and ego, but from your heart and Soul and perhaps directly from your deepest self. The course will give you the steps for manifesting from your heart, but also go in depth to transform the most prominent manifestation blockages. Then you learn to listen to your Soul and I teach you the formula for conscious manifestation in your life.

Live long and prosper!

X Robert

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In Process


Fierce trials over the last three months.

My father is in the process of healing his family karma through reincarnation therapy.

And I resonate full force.

His healing process is my healing process and I have no choice but to go along and do my own inner work on this piece.

For 12 years now I have been doing deep inner process work with myself. But nothing I’ve worked through before has been as intense as this one.

I’m going for it, too, I have to say. In the run-up to the publication of 2044, I find it wonderful to be able to heal a large piece of (family) karma. That just makes me a better channel and instrument when it erupts next.

Session after session I undergo. With my teachers and mentors, with colleagues and friends.

I’m working through pieces I didn’t already know in relation to my father, my grandmother, my great-grandparents, some relevant past lives and much more.

A rain of insights pour over me day after day. Meditating, contemplating, writing, talking about it with like-minded people. (Besides work and family of course) And sometimes just dive into a movie, socials, cigar moment, or book. It’s all part of the process.

But how heavy it feels… Everything hurts. My chest area, my stomach, my back, my shoulders… and I’m tired… exhausted…

Process work is not necessarily nice if you’re in the middle of it. I have no desire or energy for anything. I don’t look the part to me (which is totally ok). I feel run-down and saggy. It’s just what it is and it’s all part of the game.

Inner process work is not a quick fix either.

Everything is felt and lived through.

There is no other way to achieve true integration.

It’s also very nice and rewarding in a paradoxical way….

It’s like I’m simultaneously allowed to slog through the mud and swim in a tub of champagne.

But I enjoy it intensely.

It gets even brighter inside.

Go deeper and deeper.

And, uh…

I know I’m doing this for the generations before me and for myself.

But especially for the generations after me. My sons and their descendants.

Deep thanks to my wife Monique, the children, my brother and partner Hans Wijnen the Bridgeman team, the Terranovians and all the friends and family who give me so much love, support and space.

And to all the facilitators who help and support me in the processes.

And of course a big thank you to my parents for making this possible by doing their own inner work.

I have a feeling we’re going to see a few more big floors in the next few weeks….

X Robert Bridgeman

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Reaching your goals

Achieve your goals? Make it happen!

Postpone. A silent killer. But who doesn’t procrastinate? I’ll give you five strategies for achieving your goals by taking action.

“Some people want it to happen

Some wish it would happen

Others make it happen”

It is sometimes said that 95% of mankind does not achieve what they want or can achieve because of procrastination. On the other hand, there would be 5% who do manage to achieve their goals. This 5% is successful in (almost everything) they undertake.

Surveys, no matter how thoroughly done, can always deviate slightly from reality, but personally I think this particular survey comes close to the truth. From my own observation, I think I can distinguish three categories of people:

  1. People who don’t want to grow, have no desire for self-development and think everything is fine.
  2. People who really want to grow and develop, but for whom it is difficult or not always successful.
  3. People who grow and develop no matter what.

Do you belong to group 2? Then this blog is written especially for you.


Longing for something you don’t have is bad luck, right? So how can you pursue goals? A point about which, understandably, you may be confused.

The Buddha said:

The secret to being unhappy is having what you don’t want and wanting what you don’t have.”


So if you have goals you would like to achieve, if you want to take action and get things done, it is important that you are first satisfied with your life as it is now. That you accept what you have and what you don’t (yet) have. Only from this acceptance can you achieve your goals without having to fear that you will not succeed. After all, your life is already good.

Taking the above into account -and that is the paradox- it is also vital that you are hungry for what you want to achieve. Your hunger and desire gives you the power to make the goal you seek, the desired outcome, come true. In other words, be happy and content with what you have, but at the same time be hungry for your goal. Just don’t get attached to the outcome: whether or not you achieve your goal should not affect your sense of happiness. Whatever the outcome, it’s good either way.


There are two major misconceptions when it comes to achieving your goals. The most important of these is that failure should not be allowed. Look familiar? Failure is the worst thing that can happen to many people. So much so, that the fear of failure keeps people from growing.

The second misconception, is that discipline and willpower are the way to growth and development. If you don’t possess these characteristics you might as well quit.

“Success is 99% failure.”

The above quote is from Soichiro Honda, founder of the automobile and motorcycle factories of the same name. And he was right. In the Netherlands, failure is terrible. People who fail are failures. Because of this collective view, many people stop pursuing their goals when things don’t work out for a while. And yet it is precisely at these crucial moments that perseverance is of the utmost importance: you are so close! There is no artist, athlete or scientist who has not failed time and time again before breaking through.

Dare to fail; rejoice! Only then will you eventually get where you want to be.

Discipline and willpower are very useful qualities when you want to get things done. However, they are temporary features and they also cost a lot of energy. Remember: even the most strong-willed people eventually break down if they don’t have a stable strategy. They won’t last. Setbacks become sledgehammer blows, resilience and flexibility disappear and giving up or becoming burnt out are the consequences.

Motivation, inspiration and strategy are far greater and more sustainable forces than discipline and willpower when it comes to manifesting your desires.

It’s about being strategic. We can learn from top-class sport: top-class athletes do not focus on winning or losing the match, but on the process of becoming better and better. Every game is an opportunity for growth, regardless of the outcome. It’s because of that attitude that matches are won. And does a top athlete not win the competition, but has he or she improved a personal record or experienced other growth? Then it’s a valuable profit.

I would like to introduce you to five strategies for achieving your goals that I have based on five laws of nature. Natural laws, like the law of gravity, are inexorable and insurmountable. If you try to deviate from it, you make it extremely difficult for yourself. So if you go with it and work with it correctly, you make it much easier on yourself. Unfortunately, laws of nature are often unknown to most people. We’re going to make a difference today.

Take the following example: you want to write a book, but experience resistance and reluctance every time you sit down to do so. You may feel the fear that it won’t work out after all; you’ll make a few classic mistakes that can be circumvented by the right strategies.



If there is one thing certain in life, it is that everything is constantly vibrating – or vibrating. Everything around us is energy: everything consists of vibrating molecules and atoms. The air you breathe and even your thoughts and emotions (energy in motion) consist of and because of energy.

Every vibration has a certain frequency (so do you). The interesting thing is that different aspects of you can vibrate at different frequencies.

You can have a very high vibration in your career and be chairman of the board of a multinational, but at the same time vibrate physically at a very low frequency, be overweight and have unhealthy eating patterns. You can vibrate at a very high frequency spiritually and experience compassion and bliss, while in your relationship you are constantly upset by your low vibration on that level. In short, it is essential that you manage your vibration in all areas of life.

Each vibrational frequency has an energy gateway to the next layer. Writing a book, for example, is such a gateway. Once you have published a book you vibrate (within that aspect) on a different frequency and attract other people and experiences: think of co-authors, publishers and so on.

An important, complex project at work, can be the energy gateway to the next career frequency. Optimizing your body can be the gateway to a whole new fit and energetic physical frequency. When you see it that way, it can be an enormous motivation to make what you put off come true. It is the gateway to a new phase in your life, a step closer to your goal.

Strategy & Action:

Map out the approximate frequency at which you vibrate per area of life. Within the Bridgeman Method, we distinguish ten life areas: Personal growth, Health & physical, Relationships & love, Professional development & career, Spiritual development, Training and courses, Finances, Self-confidence & life challenges, Home & family and Giving & contributing to the world. Go over each life area what it takes to get to the next frequency and see if it is one of the projects you are putting off. Use this information to motivate yourself.


It is important that you follow what you want. That you are confident that it will work and that you have a good plan to achieve a product or result.

In the example I outlined earlier in this blog, I long for books, theater shows, and a movie. I am 100% confident that they will all be successes and I have a plan in place for both books, the show and the movie. Following that plan is the process.

Step by step, whenever there is inspiration and time. I have a clear vision of the end product: I can see, feel and hear it. With that I put an image in the field and I can let the law of attraction do its work. I’m already vibrating on the frequency of what I want to achieve. Essential is that I am willing to let go every moment. If one of the projects is unexpectedly unsuccessful, then I have not failed, but learned. In doing so, I surround myself with people who are already vibrating at the right frequency. Writers when it comes to books, theatre makers when it comes to theatre and so on. We’re picking up each other’s vibrations. Not for nothing is the saying:

Tell me which 5 people you hang out with the most and I can tell you how you’re doing’.

Strategy & Action:

Make a list: not a to-do list (that’s a thing of the past) but a creation list. A list of everything you want to accomplish: You use this list in much the same way as a to-do list. You look at it daily and take action on the points you can take action on. The difference is that you simultaneously visualize the outcome of the points and trust that they will become reality. For each point, think about whether there are other people who could do this for you and what you could do for them in return. In this way, let what is on your list come into being.


The law of rhythm says that everything comes and goes, rises and falls. The same goes for the inspiration and commitment you need to do or develop something. You can’t force yourself to sit down and work if your system isn’t ready for that at the time. Therefore, let go of the idea that things have to be done a certain way at a certain time. The most important thing is to make the decision that you are going to do this project and finish it.

I am currently writing two books (my fifth and sixth), developing a theatre programme and making a documentary using this system. I’ve decided that I’m going to publish those books and the movie is a done deal. Now I let go of the outcome and take the steps necessary for it as it presents itself.

The inspiration for my books comes and goes. Sometimes I have a sudden inspiration and write 20,000 words in a day. Then I have another two weeks of no inspiration and do other things. It’s not about whether things get done: it’s about whether the process is up and running.

Strategy & Action:

Look at your creation list each day and feel what inspires you most to do things that day. You’ll notice that some days project x will suddenly be on the rise and everything you need to do for it will flow effortlessly from your hands. The next day is more suitable for project y. Afternoons are good for different actions than mornings. Experience what works best for you.


So above, so below. So in, so out. Everything in the Universe is connected to each other. In consciousness, but also on a material level. Suppose you would look at the earth from the moon, then you would see one small ball in an immense space. On that sphere, separations are an illusion: it is one organism of which all people, energies, thoughts and actions are a part.

Eckhardt Tolle says beautifully: You are the universe in the temporary appearance of a human being. Everything that happens outside of you, also happens inside of you and vice versa. This makes your outside world a kind of mirror, a dashboard on which you can read how your inner world is doing.

When it gets very busy outside of yourself, it makes sense to look for peace within yourself. What’s really going on? You might ask yourself. If you experience a lot of stress because you want to or have to meet certain deadlines, is that right? Or have you imposed yourself from willpower that this is how it should be?

If things seem to be getting too much, let them go. Go and do something else: meditate, go for a walk, have a beer with a friend – I’ll tell you what. Don’t take your life so seriously, your environment is a reflection of yourself and that environment starts with your thoughts, emotions, personality and physical body. You have it. You’re not it.

Strategy & Action:

Take a good look at your surroundings. Start from within, with the thoughts in your head, the state of your body, the emotions you feel. Go out from that starting point: to the relationships you have, your work, what’s coming up, your projects, deadlines and other people’s opinions. Observe the bumps and strains. In what areas is it not right, where does it go wrong in your life. Follow those tensions inward and examine where they come from. Do the same with the projects you’re putting in front of you. Where in yourself are you blocking? What fear, emotional blockage, limiting thought or belief is holding you back from achieving your goals?


All animal species -and therefore all humans- are by definition pain-avoiding and pleasure-seeking. This is an ancient survival system in your brain: our brain is a survival device. That serves you primarily to stay alive and reproduce. You can also use it to become happier and develop yourself, but that only comes secondarily.

Deep in your brain is the Pain-Generation-Principle, the PGP. This mechanism traditionally avoids pain – after all, that can mean death. It seeks pleasure at the same time. That could mean something to eat or a chance to reproduce.

When you procrastinate, it means that somewhere in your brain pain is linked to the project you’re putting off, for example because it’s something new that you don’t yet know how it works. Or because it seems like a lot of work, while you associate work with pain. It may also be that the fear of failure with its associated pain is stagnant. Either way, the key is to reverse engineer the PGP and learn how to use it. You do this by linking pleasure stimuli to the outcome of your project: if you make it clear to your brain how nice and tasty it will be when you have achieved your goal, you ensure that your brain will pursue this pleasure and help you to turn your project into reality.

Strategy & Action:

Make sure you are sitting or lying down comfortably. Close your eyes and visualize your project as successful. See in your mind’s eye what life will be like when your project is completed. Feel how you feel. See how people treat you, what opportunities arise because you have passed through this energy gate, what new people you meet and how good that feels. Make this image-with-feeling as strong as possible and add all the pleasure stimuli you can think of for yourself. You can exaggerate as much as you want. Every time you look at your project with a negative charge, don’t see it coming or feel reluctance, repeat this enjoyment visualization.


You now have five rock-solid strategies for achieving your goals. It’s time for action. If you work with the above strategies every day for a week or three, you will give yourself a chance to integrate them into your life. If you want help with it, turn to a Lighter Life Coach trained by me.

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Witches, they were called…

Witches, they were called…
Women they were. Strong, independent, often spiritual people. Women who didn’t bow down to male oppression… Women (and the men who tried to help them) who dared to go against the truth that the establishment of the time tried to impose on them. Women who stood up for their own truth. And came out for it. And they knew it. Millions of them were burned. By order of the Catholic power. Because they were who they were. Well into the 18th century… The church, the nobility, authority, men in general. They were terrified of these women. Because they pierced right through the lies on which their power was based. The women had to pay. Their books were destroyed. Their knowledge and insights were censored. They were betrayed and extradited. They were tortured and forced to confess that they were witches. They were burned at the stake, raped, drowned and walled in alive…
How much suffering has been caused in this way?
How much knowledge and skill has been lost?
Because these women saw through the system of power?
The same forces that were in power then are still in power on Earth. Not just disguised as church and nobility anymore. But, you do recognize them. They won back then and are doing the exact same thing in this day and age. The demonization of strong, independent people is already in full swing. Their social media accounts are burned. They are being demonized. Will they end up burning at the stake? Not physically maybe… But in other ways, yes. What if we don’t let them down this time? The burning of witches at that time could only take place with the support and silent consent of the people. Like the burning of heretics in the centuries before…
But there is a difference between then and now. The collective human vibration has risen tremendously. From 3D we go to 5D. From the wisdom and love of this higher vibration we can rise. I’m not talking about violence and strife. But about peaceful, non-violent, Gandhi-like protest. When people lovingly put out the funeral pyres over and over again with buckets of water. When people protest en masse when another social media account is burned. Peacefully and from love. When right-thinking people start working together and shining awareness and light on the lies in which humanity is trapped. Like the movements of doctors, lawyers and scientists that are now rising around the world. And no longer accept the truth forced upon us by those in power today. Then this time we can beat the burning of the witches. Together we are strong.
May the Source be with you

Robert Bridgeman

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Are you worried?

Nice person,

Are you worried?
About your health? About the direction of your life? About the welfare of loved ones? About what’s happening in the world? When you’re too caught up in your story, life can be tough and worrisome. Danger everywhere. Threats everywhere. At any moment, something could go wrong. You may be alert and restless… But, how can you enjoy your existence if you are (partly) in survival mode?

Perhaps you resent certain aspects of yourself. Is your life not the way you really want it to be. Are you shocked at the direction the world is taking? It may be hard for you to take yourself and life as it comes. But, how can life be a magical journey for you if it’s not good enough? If you’re not good enough?

Your life is a journey. Your Soul has chosen all aspects of the journey.

💫From a galactic perspective, we are all temporarily formed (Soul) particles Source having an experience on Earth.

💫From a human perspective, we are limited individuals struggling to make our way through life.

What perspective do you choose?
Yesterday, I watched a Lee Harris circuit. He is channeling a collective of 88 beings who are collectively called the Z’s. They expect the awakening of humanity to continue at an ever-increasing rate.
Polarity between awakened and non-awakened people will increase during the next ten years. But, say the Z’s like all those other oracles and channelers, by 2030 the New Earth will be very visible. In 2040 we will have developed enormously and we will live in a completely different world than today. According to the Z’s, humanity has not had much attention from other civilizations from the Cosmos for the past few thousand years. From the 1970s onwards, this attention increased again. Then it turned out that in the meantime the dark forces had taken more influence and power on Earth than expected and intended. Since the 1980s, however, more than 40% of the darkness on Earth has been transmuted. We are working hard to continue to do so. Not that the darkness has to go. It’s there and it’s allowed to be there. But the balance between light and dark is still lost. The transmutation of darkness takes place through the use of galactic beings.

But also every human being who overcomes the darkness in himself. That a friend or family member helps overcome something negative. And every healer who converts darkness into others contributes to restoring harmony on earth. Even on a macro level, every little bit of attention to wrongs helps transmute them. Every loving action, every client you work with, every workshop you give, every attention seeking post on social media, every blog, every video, every documentary, every book, every petition, every lecture, every conversation and every thought of wrongdoing helps transmute the darkness a little bit.

Keep going!

It is just a matter of time until the New Earth, Terra Nova manifests itself in our society.

All we have to do is continue our light work. Each in his, or her, own way. There is no 1 way or 1 method. All methods and ways contribute in their own way to transmuting darkness and bringing harmony into the world.

And for your own sake, I would advise you…

Enjoy it, don’t take yourself so seriously.
Don’t set the bar so high.
Let go of the fear of sickness and death.
This trip is temporary, anyway.
If it’s your time, it’s your time.

Don’t try to escape the Earth by dissociating yourself from it. It was a conscious choice of your Soul to be here now. Your multidimensional karma has made it possible for you to experience this wonderful adventure. And take yourself as you are. Your body as it is. Other people as they are. And the world around you as it is… Then you start to see the beauty of this dance called life more and more.

Dance! Dance! Dance!
Facing the Terra Nova.

Live long and prosper!

Robert Bridgeman

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Stop pretending to be a ‘normal’ person

Waiting for a late guest, I sit on the porch. Terra Nova Center is asleep. It is pitch dark, a candle is burning on the table in front of me. I muse on the beauty of life as a human being. Throughout my childhood and adolescence I felt a burning desire to experience what it is like to live a life as a normal human being. A ‘normal’ life. Now I know I’ll never be normal. You don’t have to and… what’s normal? Believe me, I tried when I was younger. To blend in, to its like all the others. To to be accepted by the people around me.

I remember the frustration I had when that didn’t work out again. No matter how I tried, no matter how much I tried, I was always different. An unusual one, an odd one out. I was often afraid of being left out. To be expelled. At school, I acted tough so I wouldn’t be thought a nerd. In company I had a big mouth to keep a low profile. I was afraid… terrified of being left out. And that fear drove me into a “normal” life. Just act natural and you’ll be fine. I had jobs that didn’t suit me and married a woman I would never be happy with. I pretended not to be what I was. Tougher, steadier, bigger. I pretended I liked football too. As if I thought it was important to talk about the news. Like I cared what stock market did. As if I cared how I performed in my job. It was a big farce. Football didn’t interest me one bit in reality and I couldn’t keep up with the stock market at all. Let alone that I cared about cars, or what was on TV last night….

But it helped me feel one with everyone else. Not to be the odd man out. To feel accepted and appreciated. Fortunately, I was able to leave those days behind me. These days I embrace being different. I’m just an outsider. I’m just sensitive and vulnerable. Nowadays I know that there are many like me. And that we are strong together. Much of my current existence is about helping others who are like me and who are still living the lie awaken. To help them see that they can embrace their difference. Lightworkers are simply different from earthlings. Not better, or less, but different. We’re born that way.

My love goes out to all those lightworkers who are different like me. Who are excluded and fight to be accepted. To be normal. When there’s no need to. My heart goes out to all those souls. And I wish them all to embrace their different. That they stop doing the things they don’t really have to do in this life. That they give up that job that they actually have for fear of falling out of the boat and start doing what lightworkers have to do: Namely facilitate humanity’s shift in consciousness from the 3rd to the 5th dimension. Shining light in the darkness. Serving Mother Earth in her process of ascension and reducing suffering until harmony is established in the world. I allow them to listen to their souls, which tells them through their soul desires and passions what they are here to do. May they yield to it and experience the same fulfillment that I have experienced in recent years. If you’re one of them. If you have always felt different and are trying with all your might to blend in and be accepted I have the following, loving message for you:

Stop doing that 😉

And go do what you came here on earth to do. Stop pretending to be a “normal” person, with a normal job and normal behavior, normal values and a normal, especially not floaty, lifestyle. You’re different. Probably even different from your parents and your brothers and/or sisters. You are a unique individual walking his or her own path. You don’t like displays of power, arrogance, ego behavior and authoritarian people. You are a born helper who loves nothing more than helping others, human and animal. You are spiritual and feel drawn to awareness. You may not feel at home on earth at all, an oddity. You hate aggression against people, nature and animals and you stand up for the weak. No matter how you present yourself, you are probably gentle, sensitive and empathetic. Often, in the course of your life, a conditioned mask has developed over it. But you know damn well that’s not who you are. You easily pick up the energies and emotions of others and as a child you were already a dreamer, an idealist, a do-gooder-in-the-making. If you recognise yourself in the above, chances are that you are a lightworker.

It’s so nice to be different.

It is so nice to realize that you have been living in the fifth dimension for a long time. But that you behave in a 3rd dimension way to be accepted! How would it be if you admitted you were different. If you would shake off the 3rd dimension and realize yourself in the consciousness vibration that you already have have.

A vibration of love, wisdom and compassion

You may come out for your spirituality.
You may show your gifts and higher faculties.
You can talk about your past lives.
You get to heal people.
You get to go on the barricades to help Mother Earth and nature.
You get to be your divine self.
And you know what? If we all do that…

Then we are an unstoppable force field.
And then the earth will be fine.
And then humanity and all the other creatures that live on her will be fine.

From my porch I greet you with a loving heart, a big smile and a deep gratitude. Because how beautiful you are when you show your authentic self. Without fear, without shame, without restraint.

I see you.

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Spiritual solutions for todays developments

“The more real you get, the more unreal the world gets..
“John Lennon”

When looking at the world from a spiritual perspective, many things become clear.
Nearly all spiritual traditions are ultimately about one goal…
To be one with oneness…
To become one with the Light of Source…

In that unity, oneness we find love, wisdom and happiness… Buddhism, Gnosis, Hinduism, Yoga, Advaita Vedanta, Shamanism, Kabbalah, Sufism, they all lead to unity consciousness. The more modern movements such as non-duality, 5th dimensional thinking, Christ Consciousness – they all lead to the transcendence of duality and the experience of unity.
Almost all well-known contemporary international teachers such as Eckhart Tolle, Mooji, Thich Nath Hahn, Christina von Dreien, Bruce Lipton, Joe Dispenza, Deepak Chopra, Elizabeth April, Jeff Foster, Sadguru, Altazar Rossiter, Mirabai Bush and many others write, speak and teach about the path to unity consciousness.
And of course our Dutch teachers such as Tijn Touber, Janosh, Rianne Manten, Ariette Love, Pamela Kribbe, Roy Martina, Juno Burger and many other colleagues of mine are focused on unity.


Spiritual teachers have been warning for the illusion of separation for thousands of years. “Ignorance is the cause of all suffering” said the great Patanjali 2000 years ago.What he meant by this is that when a person is ignorant (of the fact that he is part of the all-embracing unity), this ignorance leads to misfortune and suffering.Man lives by being ignorant of unity in the illusion of separation.And that illusion brings fear, scarcity, insecurity and suffering.Whereas experiencing the reality of unity leads to love, wisdom (the opposite of ignorance), happiness, compassion, abundance and connection.


Forces that stimulate the illusion of separation are seen from a spiritual point of view as darkness.Darkness is where the light of Source cannot shine. This is also known as the NON-LIGHTThe darkness, the power that keeps man in the illusion of separation, has many names. Think of Maya, the devil, satan, Yaldaboath, Reptillians, Archonts and more.These forces feed on the fear, pain and suffering of man living in the illusion of separation and have an interest in keeping mankind in the illusion of separation.After all, human suffering is their energetic food…The raison d’être of these forces is based on human suffering…


When you practice spirituality, you cannot skip the dark. It is an integral and essential part of the awakening process.

💮No mud, no lotus💮

It is important to shine light on both the unlit parts in yourself and the unlit areas of the world. So that the non-light can be transformed into the Light.And when you then look at the world from this consciousness, you see which means the dark forces use to keep humanity in the illusion of separation.

Such means are:
👉living in cities of concrete and asphalt, cut off from nature.
👉deep-felt desire and greed, fueled by commerce.
👉the need to strive for physical happiness. Money, appearance, wealth and status.
👉the destruction of nature, with which the connection to the Earth is cut off.
👉electro-smog, 3G,4G,5G and other radiation.
👉the fear and pain that is pumped into the matrix daily through the children in pedophile networks, the oppressed peoples, the refugees, the poor and the animals in the bio-industry.

Maybe you think these are human aspects of our society, but what if they are not and mankind is artificially conditioned to think of the above means as normal?

Let’s also take a look at the more current measures:
👉 for instance the mouth caps, one and a half meters distancing, not being allowed to cuddle, touch and connect.
👉 the fear that is spread through politics and the media concerning the coronavirus.
👉 the children who learn at school that keeping distance from each other is the new normal
👉 the censorship on social media channels that promotes ignorance.

All of them measures that lead to more separation and less connection…
Spiritually, all measures that lead to more separation and ignorance may be mistrusted as possible means of control by the dark forces. (Distrust out of love, not fear.)
This makes it very difficult for spiritual people to embrace, for example, the current corona measures.For spiritually conscious people it is the excesses of a dark agenda which has the purpose of putting humanity in a fear-conscious state of mind and so to feed off of it.


Fortunately, there is also good news! Mankind is in a transition period from the fear consciousness, (in which we have collapsed deeper and deeper over the past 13,000 years) to a heart consciousness. From 3D to 5D.
🧟 Darkness is losing its grip on mankind in this transition and fights a rearguard battle.That is why the measures are becoming more and more intense….
🧟 Darkness feels that man is slipping from his fingers and tries to save what can be saved…That is why the control mechanisms are getting more and more scary…But the darkness has bad luck.
The time of non-light is over.Mankind is awakening in the light of the unity consciousness.From which we can look compassionately at the melting darkness…The scales of ignorance, fear and separation are falling from the eyes of many.People are waking up en masse.And discover that the world is different than they always thought….


To everyone who wakes up I would like to say the following:Step one for most people who wake up is the discovery that society is not quite right.The 1% that is getting richer and more powerful, governments taking more and more control, the terrible suffering of people, children and animals – all of that is becoming more and more apparent. The hidden agendas of those in power…
These are the fruits of darkness.It all makes sense to me and it is good to realize this, but don’t get carried away by it. The real awakening is about the path to unification. To leave the illusion of separation behind you is to meditate and transform. Not by studying conspiracy theories
😄Of course I don’t mean that you should close your eyes to the darkness of the world. Exactly the opposite! Research and finding the truth are essential in the consciousness phase in which humanity currently finds itself.The bottom stone is allowed to surface, so that light can penetrate everywhere.Just like Gandhi at the time, however, you can certainly stand up for what you believe in.I do that myself for instance. I stand for the animals in the bio-industry, I stand for oppressed Indians and Tibetans. I stand for the children in the pedophilia networks, I stand for refugees, war victims, the oppressed and enslaved.These dark vibrational fields slow down the ascension of mankind to the heart consciousness. They may be exposed as much as possible so that they can dissolve…


But from a consciousness of oneness and love. Not from struggle…
👊For what you fight against makes you stronger.
🙏When directing the light of consciousness from a place of love, you help dissolve the very thing itself…
I invite you to walk the spiritual path and do your inner work.If all the inhabitants of the world were to do this, the darkness would have no chance.
Then all the mechanisms of oppression and control would melt away.
Then the duality would dissolve. And mankind would be free…
In the light of the Source. “You may say i’m a dreamer,but i’m not the only one…
I hope someday you’ll join us. And the world will be as ONE.
“John Lennon

May the source be with you 💫🌍ne L🌎ve

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I didn’t understand people

Ever since I was a kid I didn’t understand people. I marveled at the way people treat each other and the world.
I couldn’t reach it…
As a five-year-old, I once exited the Paris metro with my parents and brother. We walked onto the place du centre Pompidou and the first thing I saw was a female beggar with a sleeping child. I spontaneously started crying and begged my mother to do something about it.
🌏The difference between rich and poor has always been a mystery to me. That there is 1% of rich people who are getting richer, while billions of people are suffering and getting poorer
And for the rest of us to let it happen…
Was a big mystery to me as a kid.
I grew up with a grandfather who taught me how to watch birds. And experiencing nature.
We went out together with binoculars and I remember that I wanted to be a forester in those days….
🌍The continued deforestation of jungles, the extinction of animal races, and the ongoing pollution of the oceans and air made me watch the news in bewilderment as a child.
During my adolescence, I often had discussions with friends and family members. I didn’t understand the world. Why all the war? Why hurt each other so much? Why treat nature this way?
Nobody knew…
By now I myself had become tougher as a result of surviving at school and in a society that I did not understand.
The little boy who didn’t understand any of it was locked up in a tough shell….
After my awakening 13 years ago, the little guy resurfaced. He was just sitting there.
Once we had rolled up those tough protection mechanisms together, he and I found each other again.
Still neither of us understand much about the world.
🌎For example, I don’t understand how anyone could kill another human being. Let alone groups of people.
🌎The whole concept of waging war in which rulers, formerly kings, now politicians, fight out their interests on the backs of soldiers and civilians strikes me as such a strange thing.
🌍I don’t understand how anyone can rip off another person. Let alone groups of people.
🌎How people within large corporations can market their products knowing they are spreading cancer through their addictive sugars, carbs, meat and tobacco….
I’m in way over my head.
🌏I don’t really understand how anyone could kill an animal, except maybe in a survival situation.
What I do understand is when someone poaches out of poverty. But the person who then buys the dead animal products I don’t understand.
No judgment, but lack of understanding…
I believe that people are essentially love.
So why do we put each other and the world through so much trouble?
Not every human being is a physical body is essentially light.
For thousands of years we have lived in a low consciousness of power and fear.
The third dimension, the Piscean age, Kali…
There are just as many unlit beings incarnated in a human body as there are light beings….
This created two groups:
(This is not polarization, but information)
👉There are human beings who love life.
👉And there are human beings who love death.
Both groups have an equal right to be here.
The second group perhaps even more so than the first at the moment.
Just look at the basic design of Creation.
It’s about death.
The Flower of life, the symbol for 3D reality, is called the Daisy of death.
The rabbit is eaten by the fox…
The salmon is caught by the bear…
The gazelle calf is devoured by hyenas…
The sick zebra is slaughtered by two lions…
The house sparrow is torn to shreds by the buzzard…
Nature itself is ruthless.
Isn’t it logical then that humans are too?
The Europeans exterminated the Indians as much as possible…
The Chinese are destroying the Tibetans…
Population groups destroyed each other in Rwanda, Israel and the former Yugoslavia…
Aren’t sufferings like the refugees on Lesbos, the Uyghurs in Chinese camps, the destruction of Syria, ritual child abuse in Europe, censorship on social media, and the oppression of Native Americans just part of it?
Part of the Daisy of Death?
From that perspective, I am beginning to understand humanity.
Destruction is ingrained in basic human programming.
It’s hardwired into the DNA…
The Cathars believed that humanity was made up of Souls who had been captured from the original Creation (Pleroma) into this counterfeit Creation (Kleroma).
This hologram, this illusion, this matrix…
According to the Cathars (and other Gnostic movements), the creator of this matrix was Satan, Lucifer. The devil.
(Demiurge, or Yaldaboath)
In order to prove that this was not so and that the creator of this reality is a merciful good god, the Catholic Church then brutally exterminated the Cathars to the last man with crusades and inquisition.
In doing so, the Church has, for me, proven the Cathars right forever.
The creator of this illusionary world is the Devil who pretends to be God.
If we assume that we live in a counterfeit creation created by the Lucifer, then suddenly everything becomes clear.
Then we understand the Vatican, then we understand the Illuminati, then we understand the World Economic Forum.
Then they’ll understand why the cute little bunny has to be devoured
And why the wars must be fought.
The refugee camps are explainable.
But what are we lightworkers doing here?
Our predecessors, the Cathars, like the Buddhists, were only concerned with getting out of the cycle of rebirth in this illusion.
They had a pure lineage to Yeshua and Mary Magdalene and passed on their holy spirit through the Consolamentum, the laying on of hands.
They thus had, just like the Buddhists with meditation, a method to return to the original Creation.
Cathars went through the Consolamentum to the Pleroma…
Buddhists went through the enlightenment process to Nirvana…
Freedom of the Soul.
What do we do with these insights in this day and age?
What is the meaning of our existence as lightworkers, if we have incarnated into a dark illusion from which our predecessors fled?
🕊 Times have changed.🕊
The vibration is different than it was 1000 years ago.
Spiritual development in this day and age is no longer about finding a way out of illusion through enlightenment, Pleroma, or Nirvana…
The vibrations on Earth have become so high that the Crystal field, the Universal Flower of life, has become available to all.
If you think of the Flower of Life as the 3D consciousness…
And the Crystal field as the 5D consciousness…
Then let them both be there.
They are equally important.
We’re bringing 5D into 3D.
In doing so, we are making an opposite movement and bringing enlightenment/Pleroma/Nirvana into the illusion.
We bring the Crystal field into the Flower of Life…
So that all people can awaken to a new consciousness.
A consciousness of unity, love and compassion.
Together we will bring God’s kingdom to Earth.
So that this illusion of separation dissolves and becomes one again with the original Creation.
I think that’s our mission this round of life.
(And the next few rounds, too, maybe.)
Let’s go 5D! All of us this time!

Robert Bridgeman

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